Gaggenau Recipe: Earl Grey Semifreddo with Flaming Honey and Rum by Chef Tim Read
Serves: 4
Difficulty: Hard
3 Egg Yolks
125g Sugar
375g Cream
4 Earl Grey Tea Bags
50g Sugar
100g Butter
150g Flour
To Serve
Corn Flowers
For the semifreddo, heat half of the cream till just before boiling. Remove from the heat and place the teabags in and leave to soak for 1 hour to infuse. Place the egg yolks and sugar in a glass or metallic bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Whisk until tripled in volume and pale in colour (about 3 minutes). Sit the bowl in another bowl of iced water and continue to whisk until the mixture is cool (about another 3 minutes).
Beat the cream and vanilla until soft peaks form. Whisk a third of the cream mixture into the egg mixture until smooth then fold in the remaining cream mixture. Into a large dish, gently pour the mixture in and tap the bottom to allow the mixture to go into the edges and place in the freezer until frozen (at least 8 hours)
For the shortbread, heat the oven to 190 degrees fan bake. In a mixing bowl, combine the butter and sugar until soft and cohesive. Add the flour and mix as gently as possible. Flatten on a large tray and bake in the oven until cooked and lightly golden, about 30 minutes. Remove and allow to cool and crisp before blending to a crumb.
To serve, place two large tablespoons of crumb in a bowl. Take a single large spoon of the semifreddo and place on the crumb. Do the same with some honey comb and cover the semifreddo with corn flowers. Heat a small pot of whisky until beginning to simmer and remove from the heat. Carefully light the whisky on fire with a lighter and pour the flaming rum over the honey and semifreddo. Allow to burn out before tucking in.